Social Media has made a major impact on how brands reach customers online. To reach customers it takes more than just building a website and adding fresh content. Online brands that are growing like crazy tend to have one charactaristic in common – they are hustling like it’s going out of style on Twitter and Facebook. Whether you are a domain name investor or the founder of a new tech startup Twitter and Facebook are essential tools you can use to build your brand.
I’ve used Social Media as a key element in building my most successful brands, along with increasing my reach it has saved me a fortune on marketing and provided far more value. To help you get-into the groove of your weekend with a bit of inspiration I though I’d share three ways you can use Twitter and Facebook to start growing your brand today.
- Use a tool like Hootsuite to manage multiple Twitter and Facebook accounts. This has been a huge time-saver for me and makes it easy to spend 5-10 minutes updating and managing multiple accounts, searches, etc. I can honestly say Hootsuite has at least doubled my productivity and made it easier for me to be more social and interact with more people in a shorter period of time.
- Search on Twitter for what you think your customer would be searching for, then reach-out to them! If you’re selling sunglasses do a search for “sunglasses” or “buying sunglasses.” Just think, if people are Tweeting, “Looking to buy a new pair of sunglasses, any suggestions?” You could be the person making a recommendation and sending them to your site.
- Build a Facebook page for your brand. This is an absolute must. If you have a brand it should have a Facebook page, period. This is a great place to give updates on your business, specials, etc. It’s different from Twitter so don’t treat it the same way, give your Facebook fans something special so if they also follow you on Twitter they see the value in both.
Feel free to share some of your own brand building tips as well. At the end of the day if you’ve build a brand you are truly proud of, you should be excited to share it with people that it will directly benefit. Thanks for reading and as always comment and let your voice be heard!