I remember the days when solid one-word .COMs would sell in the mid six-figure
range, and back then, that felt like a lot of money. Today, when a strong
one-word .COM sells for
There’s no doubt that the most valuable domains in the world are one-word .COMs.
From Voice.com selling for $30M, Diamond.com for $7.5M or Ice.com for $3.5M it’
If you don’t know Jason Fried, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with his
company Basecamp [https://www.basecamp.com/]. In early February Jason announced
that along with coming out
Today could mark a new record for Flippa [https://www.flippa.com/] – their #1
domain sale, Strenth.com at $300,001.
Hello, happy Monday, and welcome to Morgan’s Flippa Five. This week some very
nice one-word .COMs (my favorites) hit Flippa