Over the years I’ve tried a lot of different solutions for putting “For Sale”
landers on my domain names. To-date, Efty [https://www.efty.com/] has been my
favorite, what I really
Here’s a topic I’ve been going back-and-forth on, and talking to a number of
full time domain investors, it seems everyone has a little different approach.
The question is – on “For
Well it feels like we’re hitting a point where Efty [https://www.efty.com/] is
announcing new things almost every week. As an Efty customer, this is pretty
awesome since all these
So I’ve been running a little experiment over the last few months with the For
Sale landing pages that I’m using at Efty [http://www.efty.com/]. The change I
As many of you know I’m a big fan of Efty [http://www.efty.com/] and I had the