Let’s be honest, every year that goes by you do more on your smartphone than the
previous year. It all started with email, now my phone is my regular camera,
In March I did a post about Domain Apps
[http://morganlinton.com/yes-theres-a-domain-app-for-that/] and some testing I
will be doing with the platform. Domain Apps lets you build full-scale content
sites using their
If you have a large portfolio of domains, let’s say over one-hundred, developing
out your entire portfolio just isn’t an option. There are a lot of great
platforms for developing your
I use the word game-changer sparingly but today I think WhyPark
[http://www.whypark.com/domainapps/] has done something truly spectacular.
WhyPark has added an entirely new concept called “Domain Apps” – customizable