2020 is here and like most people I’m reviewing the last year, collecting all the data, and making changes based on things I think I could improve on. Additionally, the beginning of the year is a great time to soak up information that other people are sharing since people tend to reflect and share their own data on the last year right about now.
First, if you haven’t read this thread on NamePros by Nikul Sanghvi – read it now, honestly it’s one of the best, data-rich pieces of content I’ve ever read about Domaining. Huge thanks to Nikul for taking the time to put this together and share it.
It’s things like this, along with conversations I have with other Domainers and blogs posts I read over the course of the year that gets my gears turning and helps me continue to evolve my own strategy. I can be almost completely certain that after NamesCon I’ll make another set of changes based on what I learn there.
So, while making changes to your domain investing strategy isn’t a once a year thing, the top of the year is always a good time to set some things in motion that you might have been holding off on and needed a little kick in the pants to get going. That being said, let’s rock – here are three changes I’m making to my domain portfolio this month…and yes, this will change next month, and the month after that, etc. Don’t make changes only once a year, make changes as you get more data!
- Moving from “Make Offer” landing pages at Efty to “Price Upon Request” landing pages – I love Efty, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, and one thing I really love about Efty is that they’re constantly adding new features. Last year a “Price Upon Request” option for landing pages and I’m ready to give this a try. Rick Schwartz has talked about this a lot and when Rick shares advice like this, I take it.
- Updating my BIN prices on Afternic – I increased my BIN prices on Afternic quite a bit last year and well, it resulted in a lot less sales through Afternic. After talking with other investors at conferences last year and reading Nikul’s post I think I need to list way more names under $5k. I’ll still have a nice ROI even with their commission so it’s time to bring some of these down in a range where there are more buyers.
- Buying more .CO domains – I’m hearing more and more about strong sales results in the $1,000 – $3,500 range with .CO domains. While I still see .COM as my primary asset in the domain world, I’d be okay increasing my .CO holdings so I plan to start bidding on more .CO domains on places like Go Daddy auctions starting this month.
I think this could be a good post to do monthly since I seem to learn a few new things every month, and the industry also changes all the time. I know I’ll have more changes/tweaks to make in February after I get back from NamesCon and of course I’ll share what I learned there with all of you as well.
As I’ve said many times, I don’t consider myself an expert when it comes to domains or Domaining, I’m always learning and try to spend as much time with experts as possible since they’re the best people to learn from.
Do you have any changes you’re making to your Domain Investing strategy going into 2020? If so feel free to share them below or comment on any of mine. Either way, you know how it works here – I want to hear from you, comment and let your voice be heard!