If you’ve been on my blog in the last 24-hours then you’ve probably noticed that
my background has changed. The Water School [http://www.waterschool.com] is an
amazing charity and
I first learned about the The Water School [http://www.thewaterschool.org] at
DOMAINfest back in 2010, what I heard almost made me cry at one point, and gave
me goosebumps at another.
I was talking with James Morfopoulos from The Water School
[http://www.thewaterschool.com] last night and he told me about an incredible
contest they are running this year at DOMAINfest [http://www.
Last year at DOMAINfest [http://www.domainfest.com] there was one interview that
impacted me more than the rest. That interview was with Frasier from The Water
School [http://www.thewaterschool.com/], an
Today’s interview is a follow-up to the interview I posted yesterday about The
Water School [http://www.thewaterschool.org/]. I would definitely recommend
watching both of these videos. You can watch my