If you’ve been on my blog in the last 24-hours then you’ve probably noticed that my background has changed. The Water School is an amazing charity and one that has seen tremendous support from the domain industry. Last week I wrote a post about their upcoming event at WEBfest – WaterNight and after writing that post I decided I wanted to do more.
I emailed Richard Lau that day and told him I wanted to change the background on my blog to highlight The Water School and encourage others to do the same. He liked the idea and last night I brought the new background live! For the entire month of February I will have this background up on my blog to raise awareness for The Water School along with the text link you see on my sidebar.
My thinking here is that the whole industry will be together next week and if every time they read a Domaining blog they see The Water School, they will be reminded of the charity and hopefully more likely to make a donation. Every single dollar counts and even if you can only spare $20, that will change lives in Africa forever. There will be plenty of opportunities to donate to The Water School at WEBfest and I’d love to have this fresh in everyone’s minds during and after the show.
Of course it’s not just about me, I think this movement can make a real impact if other bloggers change their backgrounds as well. If you can’t change your background, maybe donate a banner ad spot for the month. I can make a difference on my own but think of what an incredible difference we can all make together!
Feel free to download the background image I am using on this blog or design a custom background to suit your blog’s look-and-feel. Let’s join together and start out 2013 by making a difference in the lives of people that don’t have something that all of us take for granted, clean water.
Also don’t forget to donate and RSVP for WaterNight on Tuesday night, it’s going to be an amazing night!