As you all know I was fighting with You Tube for my entire time in the Bahamas
and was unfortunately unable to upload more than a few videos. Well now that I’m
I am back from the Bahamas after a great week at Domain Roundtable
[]! If you didn’t get a chance to read my daily
recaps you can view them
I can’t believe it but Domain Roundtable 2011 []
is over…it went by so quickly! I’ll be leaving for the airport in about four
hours but wanted
Hello from the Bahamas! Domain Roundtable Day two was a huge success and I’m
excited to share the adventure with all of you. Unfortunately the Internet
connection here has not been fast
Good morning and hello from the Bahamas! Last night Domain Roundtable kicked-off
with an incredible opening reception complete with great food, steel drums, and
one of my favorites – hand-rolled cigars. It was a