From one .tv to another –, a startup that raised $52,511 last July has pivoted their business and changed their name in the process. The original idea behind was to fund independent video creators and filmmakers in New York City.
As we all know though, many successful startups don’t end-up doing what they initially thought they would, instead they learn as they go and iterate or pivot along the way. In this case, CEO Kareem Rahma said that the audience interest just wasn’t high enough. So the company changed names and changed directions and introduce (see below)
The new idea is to aggregate online video content into channels that people can watch together. Right now most online video watchers view content independently and then comment on services like Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat. Rahma’s idea is to make it easy for people to watch content together and comment on it without having to go to a separate network.
Is this the pivot they needed? Only time will tell but I always have a huge amount of respect for any entrepreneur that realizes that what they are doing isn’t working and has the guts to make a change. I am looking forward to seeing how develops over the course of the year.