Domain Investor Logan Flatt has thrived over the years, and one of the things that has always impressed me about him is his ability to adapt and innovate. On Friday, Logan shared on Twitter that he’s sold 20 domain names over the past 30 days on
So how did he do it? I’ll let you read the tweet:
Like Logan said, he’s selling “OK” domain names at bargain prices. This makes sense since DNWE is a marketplace for domain investors so pricing names at wholesale is key. On top of that, Logan has a good eye for domains, particularly two-word .COMs and I’m thinking this is probably what he’s moving the most of if I were to guess.
The domains, their prices, and the sales data is kept private on DNWE so we won’t know exactly what this added up to but if I were to take a guess, I’d say he’s probably selling these for say $250/each which means he’s made a cool $5,000 over the last month, at least, maybe more. Correction: the minimum price on DNWE is $299 so Logan made at least six thousand bucks!
As we all know, if you’re going to sell to other domain investors, pricing at or below wholesale is the key to moving names. I’ve seen too many people try to sell domains to other investors at retail pricing, and, not surprisingly, it never flies. Congrats to Logan, sounds like one heck of a month!