Domain Investors weigh in on what NamePros should do about the troll who publicly slandered a top broker on their forum

In case you were living in a cave yesterday, I’ll give you a quick update. A troll on NamePros hiding behind the username @offthehandle attacked successful domain broker Kate Buckley – no data, no proof. I first read about this on TheDomains and since then a number of bloggers have covered the incident.

Some of the most well-respected people in the domain industry have weighed in on this issue, here’s comments from a few:

Shane from put together a list of three things that need to happen and I think he’s spot on with these. If @offthehandle can insult Kate publicly and call her out by name, he shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind an anonymous name, that’s about as cowardly as you can get. I also agree that NamePros should ban this member – letting someone get away with this only hurts the reputation of NamePros IMO.

The silver lining with all of this is that it has been great to see the domain community come together for Kate. Just look at any of the blog posts about the incident and you’ll find countless people who have come to Kate’s defense and shared how disappointed they are to hear about @offthehandle’s ridiculous accusations with absolutely no data or proof to back them up.

I hope NamePros does the right thing here. I think they should take Shane’s advice and do the three things he suggests, it will be good for their reputation and for the community.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton