Well here’s a weird one. Sedo is running an iGaming auction and I noticed some interesting data concerning what domains they’re accepting into the auction. In short, they are turning away .CO domains but letting in .CX.
Domain Investor Johan (who goes by @DoseBuy on Twitter) posted this tweet sharing two of his names that made it into auction:
First, congrats to Johan – I’m constantly impressed with his hustle and some of the early results he’s seen with .CX. While I don’t see myself investing in .CX anytime soon, it’s been fun to see him run with this from the sidelines.
Now here’s the head-scratcher. After Johan shared his .CX names that got accepted, Josh Reason shared the following:
I’m officially confused. To me it seems like Gamers.co is about a good a fit as you can get for an Gaming-focused domain auction, especially if you are going as broad with extensions as to be a-okay with .CX.
Maybe someone from Sedo can jump in the comments here and shed some light on what’s happening. Does Sedo really think that .CX domains are more relevant for their customers than .CO? Right now, that seems to be the case…