Hello, happy Friday and welcome to my weekly domain investing news roundup. I decided that rather than bore you with some long-winded paragraph before the news, I’ll dive right in, so you only wasted your time reading this sentence. Now onto the news!
- Basecamp CEO Looking for a Great Domain Name
(read more on DomainInvesting.com) - CentralNic reports H1 earnings propelled by acquisitions
(read more on Domain Name Wire) - DomainSherpa Review – Sept 2: RX.com, Hi.Club, BroadLogic.com
(read more on DomainSherpa) - Uniregistry weekly sales led by sadhu.com
(read more on TLDInvestors) - New Verisign Report: Total Domain Registrations Jumped 4.4% Since Last Year Led by .Coms and Surging ccTLDs
(read more on DNJournal) - Ethereum name service launches .ETH domains auction, and domains like usfederalgovernment.eth are priced at $1.8M
(read more on my blog) - CentralNic 2019 half year results
(read more on OnlineDomain.com) - A third of the top TLDs are shrinking
(read more on DomainIncite) - It cost $480,843 to defend IMI.com
(read more on Domain Name Wire)