I started my blog back in 2007 and while that was some time ago, I plan to continue blogging for decades to come. While right now that means writing at least a post a day, how I interact with all of you could change dramatically over the next five years. So I thought I would pose the question, give my thoughts on it, and then open it up to discussion.
First let’s talk about how people access the Internet in 2019.
The vast majority of users will be coming from mobile phones and tablets, in fact it is expected that 75% – 90% of Internet users will be browsing on a mobile phone or tablet by 2019.
Next let’s talk about how people digest content in 2019.
Video is becoming a bigger and bigger part of how people spend their time online and consume information. It is expected that roughly 50% of Internet traffic on a smartphone in 2019 will be video.
So with that in mind, here’s how I see blogging in 2019.
I see a lot more blogs offering video, many as their primary method of delivering content. I can also see many popular blogs having their own app to directly access the content. I do this now with TechCrunch, CNN, and a few other blogs I read regularly, I see this trend only accelerating by 2019.
That means that there’s a good chance you’ll see a MorganLinton.com app and more video content from me as time goes on. As the Internet is evolving, so should all of us, I look forward to watching it happen together! My prediction above could turn-out to be completely wrong but for now I have to do my best to predict the future given what data I have.