Think the secondary domain name market is just domainers? Think again.

Secondary Domain Market Myths

When it comes to a truly understanding the secondary domain name market it’s safe to say the Internet Commerce Association is one of the world-leading experts. This week Zak Muscovitch and Nat Cohen put together a great article on CircleID putting to rest some common misconceptions about the secondary domain name market.

One of the most common myths I come across all the time is people who think that the secondary domain market is all domainers. For those of us in the domain industry this might sound like a ridiculous assumption, but I can tell you it’s very common and it’s number one on Zak and Nat’s list.

For anyone who might have thought that the only way to buy a domain that was already owned was through a domainer, you’ll be happy to find a very extensive list of secondary markets, here’s just a sample:

Sedo, GoDaddy, Flippa,, BrandBucket, and SquadHelp, among many others, offer online marketplaces that provide a venue to buy and sell registered domain names;

Namejet, SnapNames, DropCatch, and Godaddy Auctions among others, host auctions where expired domain names, and at time privately owned domain names, are sold via auction to the highest bidder;

Heritage Auctions and Hilco Streambank are specialty auction houses that sell Intellectual Property (IP) portfolios of trademarks and domain names;(Source – CircleID)

One thing I’ve heard other startup founders mention to me is that they wish they could look at domains with a clear expectation around pricing. Rather than spending time negotiating back-and-forth, some people just want to buy a domain and start putting it to work, this is where secondary marketplaces like Flippa, Squadhelp and many others really shine.

So if you’re in the market for a domain name, I’d give this article a read and learn more about what the secondary domain market really is, and all the amazing options out there for getting a great domain.

Thanks to Zak and Nat for putting this article together 🙌

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton