I realized that I haven’t updated the logo for MorganLinton.com for some time. I
think the last time I updated it was probably close to four years ago and in all
I started MorganLinton.com back in 2007, at that time my blog was hosted at
Typepad and it was originally called Domain Flip Blog. Fast-forward eight years
later and what started as a
I originally started MorganLinton.com back in October of 2007 as a way to take
what I was doing with domain names, and share it with the world. Fast-forward
almost eight years later
As many of you know my life has changed a lot over the last two years. The
biggest change without a doubt was leaving my domain business and putting my
full time focus
Wow, time flies when you’re having fun. Today I realized that I missed the seven
year anniversary of my blog which took place in October. My very first blog post
was on