Staying In LA After WEBfest? Join Our First Annual Domainer Hike In Malibu

As many of you know, Daina and I love hiking, in fact we love it so much we try to do it every weekend. Southern California has some great hiking spots and one of our absolute favorite destinations is Malibu. This year Daina and I decided that we wanted to plan something fun for people who are still in town after WEBfest and decided, why not a Domainer hike?


After the hike we thought we would hit the beach and go to one of our favorite spots for dinner/drinks. The hike will be of medium difficulty so not overly grueling but you’ll definitely get some good exercise.

We plan on hiking from around 12:30PM – 3:30PM and then hitting the beach from about 4:00PM onwards. While we know many people head back home right after a conference, we also know there are some people sticking around that might enjoy a little weekend adventure!

Below are the full details for the hike:

When: Saturday, February 9th – 12:30PM

Where: Malibu, CA (directions will be provided in invite)

Who: Anyone in town for WEBfest is welcome

Cost: $0

If you would like to be included simply shoot me an email at morgan(at) and let me know how many people will be attending with you. We will be bringing water and snacks so want to make sure we have enough for everyone!

Looking forward to seeing everyone next week!

Photo Credit: tensaibuta via Compfight cc

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton