Startup Monday: Learning from Failure

I’ve decided to move Startup Sunday to Monday since I think it’s more fun to start your week with some inspiration from the startup world. I think statistics show that about 99% of startups fail, and even the most successful people in the startup world will tell you that they have failed far more times than they’ve succeeded, but it’s been one (or two, or three) successes that have put them on the map.

Mixergy – one of my new favorite blogs on the planet (it rocks!) just did a great video interview with Mike Aresenault about a product called Spreadable that they attempted to launch in 2010. This is a great interview and Mike is a great entrepreneur, let’s face it – if you don’t try new things, fail, and pick yourself up and try again then you may never achieve the success you’re looking for! It’s all about staying positive and knowing that with each failure comes a valuable lesson.

You can watch the interview here or click on the image below:

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton