Liquid domains or Brandables – what are you putting your focus on?


Lately I’ve been talking quite a bit about my planned shift in focus to liquid domains next year. Initially I was thinking numeric domains was where I would put most of my investment dollars but after some rather sage advice I’ve been considering putting more focus on 4L and 5L .COMs.

As I start going down this path I thought it would be interesting to hear from you, my readers, and understand which path you’re taking and why.

Brandables have a very magical quality to them and can sell for big bucks if you happen to have the domain that someone really wants. At the same time, you might have to wait ten years until that perfect buyer comes along that wants to build a brand on your domain.

At the same time there are people making money outside of .COM…but I’ve steered clear of this approach as I’ve found in the past it’s really hard to find any repeatability. Yes, there are some nice big juicy non .COM sales, but they aren’t the norm and let’s face it – most people want the .COM so if they are coming to you for a non .COM it’s usually because the .COM is out of their price range.

What is still conflicting for me is the fact that as a startup founder, Brandables are pretty much all I’d be interested in, I’m probably not going to name my company So moving to liquid domains likely means moving away from selling to startup and entrepreneurs looking to put the domain to use and instead selling to other investors, but at a value that we both can quickly and easily agree on.

So now I’ll pass the mic to you and ask – liquid or brandables, what are you putting your focus on? I want to hear from you, comment and let your voice be heard!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton