JuryLaw.com – a domain I purchased from Bido eleven days ago is now live! This domain has now been transformed into a web destination for people searching for information about jury duty and the jury trial process. There is a lot of information on this site and it is specifically targeted for what people are actually searching for. Video content gives site visitors another way to learn from the site as well. A discussion forum integrated directly into the site makes it easy for visitors to converse and share ideas. This is one of the key features for creating a website that gets recurring monthly traffic. Discussion forums are a great way to get people coming back to your site.
The site also features four different forms of monetization to allow for maximum revenue potential. There are traditional Google Adsense ads on the site, coupled with YouTube videos, Amazon books, as well as ClickBank Products. The idea is to add monetization options that do not get in the way of valuable information that visitors are looking for. Providing both text and video for your customer is the direction the web is going. While plenty of people are happy reading text-only webpages, many visitors are now looking for video content.
I will continue to keep everyone updated as the domain gets indexed in the search engines and starts generating traffic and revenue. Thanks again to Bido for creating an auction platform that is already changing the way we buy and sell domains online!
Visit JuryLaw.com now and you might just learn something about jury duty yourself!