If you could invest in one new gTLD, which would it be?

As we all know, it is impossible for every new gTLD to hit it big, in fact, it’s safe to say that most will not reach the audience that they hope to. Still, it’s probably unlikely that none will hit it big. Already new gTLDs like .CLUB, .TOP, .XYZ and several others have gained major marketshare but these are still the early days and .COM is still the only domain name with real proven sales history.

Here’s the current breakdown of new gTLD registrations:


(Source – nTLD stats)

So, yes – your safest bet without a doubt is .COM. I personally put most of my focus on .COM. However let’s say you had to pick one (and only one) new gTLD to invest it, what would it be and why?

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton