Last weekend I wrote an article on that ended-up getting a lot more attention than I had expected. This in turn ended-up in the Globe and Mail and Huffington Post Canada picking-up the story.
So now I’m getting flooded with comments and emails from people asking me how to get a Canadian IP address. The process is incredibly easy, very legal, and used by companies all over the US. It’s called a VPN service and the basic idea is that you pay for a service that allows you to connect to the internet through their server.
I first discovered VPN when I was traveling abroad and wanted to watch US-based services like Netflix and no, I can’t live without Pandora. VPN services have been around for a long time, it’s nothing new, it’s just not a service that most people ever need. However if you do want to watch the Olympics in Canada, England or anywhere else around the world online, here’s how to get going:
- Pick a VPN service – there are a lot of different VPN providers out there. At the end of the day speed is very important because if the VPN provider is slow, video streaming will be painful. I recommend Strong VPN and Pure VPN particularly as they have really put their focus into streaming the Olympics this year.
- Select a package that includes the countries you want – remember, there are VPN servers around the world. Canada, England and many other countries allow free streaming of TV shows and live events like the Olympics.
- Login to the VPN – follow the steps provided by the VPN service and connect to the server in the country you would like to have an IP address in.
- Welcome to Canada, England, Germany, etc. – just to prove to yourself you’ve just travelled faster than the speed of light go to Google. You’ll notice that doesn’t show-up, instead you’re at,, or
- Browse to the site offering live streaming of the Olympics – in Canada it’s, in the UK it’s BBC.CO.UK, just go to those sites and click on the Olympics logo and boom, you’re watching live coverage.
So go nuts, have fun, just remember:
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