Getting Back To Business – The New Is Coming!

Venice Beach

Wow, what an incredible couple of weeks it has been, from leaving my full time job of almost nine years, to getting married to the love of my life, to making the single largest stock investment I’ve ever made (in Sonos). It has been one heck of a roller coaster ride but I know that this is only the beginning. October 1st will officially be my last day at Sonos and once that happens I will be making some changes here on Of course as you all know by now, I love feedback so I thought – why not run these changes by my readers to see what they think?

So here it goes, my plans for the next step in the evolution of

  • Moving from one post a day to two posts a day – for those that have a day job and blog you know it’s hard to find time to post more than once a day. For the last five years I’ve been posting at night or in the morning since my day has been jam-packed. Now I’ll be posting twice a day and most likely in realtime giving you updates as they happen.
  • Articles about Domaining and Startups – it’s official, I am one of the three founders of Fashion Metric and most of my time will go into building this company. This has been a dream of mine for a long time now and you can expect an article a day about my life working in a tech startup. Running a Domaining business is completely different than running a startup so I have a lot of learning to do, as usual I’ll be sharing this learning with all of you.
  • Less Ads – my blog has a lot of ads on it, I will be reducing the number of ads as I really want to make it easy to focus on the content. Right now only about 5% of my income from Linton Investments comes from my blog so it is by no means the way in which I make my living. I want to make sure you can focus on content without a thousand ads blinking in your face. Of course I have a lot of amazing sponsors and I will be keeping my favorites which are services I use very frequently and couldn’t imagine living without.
  • More Video – video was a huge part of my blog years ago but I let it fall to the wayside as my life became just too darn overloaded. I want to bring video back and plan to mostly focus on chronicling the journey that Daina and I go through building Fashion Metric.
  • The App – this is currently in development and should be ready in October to celebrate the five year anniversary of my blog. I want to make it just as easy for people to read my blog on mobile devices as it is on a regular computer. I don’t think that apps will ever replace domains, but they sure do compliment them and that’s why I’m doing it.
  • Domain Development – last but certainly not least, I will continue to do case studies and share insights and advice about domain development. This has been the most popular topic on my blog and it’s not going anywhere. I do plan to do more case studies than ever before as I know these tend to be everyone’s favorite.

And there you have it, my plan for which should be 100% complete by mid-October. Now is where you come in. Let me know what you think, do you like the direction my blog is going in? Have any ideas to make things even better? Think I suck and want me to do something I’m not yet doing on my blog? Comment and let your voice be heard…and make an impact in the future of!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton