Well it’s official, I’m in Asheville at the Grove Park Inn, and it’s even more spectacular than I had imagined. My Uber driver told me more about the hotel on our way over, and it’s safe to say this hotel is steeped in history, and has played host to some of the most famous people in the world. You can read more about the history of the hotel here.
A number of readers asked me to share videos, and after seeing the hotel in-person, I can tell you that pictures don’t do it justice so videos it is! This hotel is huge and it’s hard to really capture in a photo so I’ve had some fun taking videos which I’ll be posting on You Tube and sharing on my blog. If you don’t already subscribe to my You Tube channel, now’s a good time to do it.
When I went to grab lunch today I bumped into Mike Robertson (from Fabulous) who I’ve known for over a decade. While I’ve known Mike for a long time, we normally just have time for a quick hello at conferences. Today we had the chance to sit down, have lunch together, and property catch up. Both of us were in the moment Rick announced the event because we liked the idea of getting together with a smaller group and having the chance to sit down and really catch up like we did this afternoon.
As we were finishing lunch, Bill McClure (Bouquet.com, Coffee.club) walked by and joined us for coffee (which makes sense right!). Bill is another person who I’ve known for years but haven’t had the chance to sit down and catch up with for probably five years.
I’m pretty sure this is exactly what Rick had intended when he planned this event, and given that it’s already happening and the event hasn’t even officially started yet, this is a very good sign.
It’s conversations like these that spark new ideas and I actually got a really good idea from Bill that I took notes on and will likely be putting into action when I get back home…once again, the event hasn’t even officially started yet and I already learned something new. This is also what I really appreciate about the domain investing community, we all love sharing new ideas and talking about what’s worked and hasn’t worked for us. There really is no better way to learn than from other people that have been either where you are, or where you want to be.
Okay, so now I should get going – I’ve been in my room working all day so it’s time to get back out there! Of course, I promised you some videos so here they are, the first is when I first arrived at the hotel, the second is the view from the back of the hotel. More to come!
If you’re here in Asheville I look forward to seeing you tonight! Now, time to put on my #Domainer shirt and get out of this room – Asheville, the Domainers are coming!