DomainTools Upgrades One Of My Favorite Features – Reverse WHOIS

I think I’ve said it many times on my blog, but heck, I’ll say it again, Domain Tools is probably the tool I use the most in just about every part of my business. It really is the swiss army knife of domain name tools with some pretty incredibly features that can give you and your business a huge edge when buying or selling domains.

One of my favorite features is Reverse WHOIS. Honestly it seems a bit like magic, you can enter in an email address or company name and then see what domains they own. I think this is one of the most useful tools on the planet when you’re selling a domain to someone who you haven’t worked with before. Understand which other domains they own, and even cross-referencing with NameBio and DNJournal can help you better gauge how much they would be willing to pay.


Now Domain Tools has upgraded this feature by allowing users to further refine their search producing less results and in many cases saving money on their Reverse WHOIS lookups. Below you can see some of the new refinement options that have been added in the release:


As a developer myself I know the complexity involved with not only adding this feature but also making it easy to use. This is one of the other things that really impresses me about Domain Tools, everything they do is high quality. No rushed releases, no buggy features, just solid additions that make the platform better than ever, and don’t cost any extra to subscribers like me, in fact it will end-up saving me money.

So hats off to the whole team as I know this definitely was a team effort. A great tool, just got better.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton