Yesterday I posted the first part of my survey results and showed what Domainers are buying. Today I will be revealing the survey data detailing what Domainers are selling. While I won’t get-into any deep analysis one thing is very clear – people are buying names in the sub $1,000 range and looking for buyers in the $1K+ range…do you see a disconnect here?
As you can see from the above chart, 64% of Domainers are looking to sell their domains above $1,000 with 26% looking for sales prices above $5,000. If you looked at the data I posted yesterday then you know that 87% of these Domainers are buying names for less than $1,000.
Looking at the TLDs that people are selling it is clear and of course comes as no surprise that .com is king at 81%. .net and .de are next up with only 5% each and .us made the board this time and .mobi disappeared. I don’t think this chart will be much of a surprise to anyone, however you can definitely learn from it. More to come in Part 3 where I’ll reveal the yearly income numbers and conclude my analysis of the data!