So I’ve written quite a bit about Ghost, a new blogging platform that I’m excited about but that I’ve been on the fence about moving to. Well I finally decided to make the move and if you want to learn more about why I’m making the move feel free to give this a read.
I know I’m probably not the only WordPress blogger that will be moving to Ghost and so it could be helpful to share my journey. Also, I expect to make mistakes along the way and making these publicly will also hopefully help other people avoid doing the same.
Whenever I venture into something new I like to find people who have already done what I’m trying to do which means starting with an expert or two. I made the mistake of jumping into domain investing back in 2007 without taking any advice and wasted a lot of money, but met some amazing domain investors who helped show me the ropes and in the process learn a valuable lesson.
I myself am not an expert in WordPress or Ghost, nor am I am expert in SEO so I’ll likely need to find someone with experience in all three, or more likely, two experts with overlapping expertise. Since Ghost is relatively new there’s a smaller pool of people who have experience with it, but they’re out there, and I’ve started my search to find someone with solid experience moving WordPress sites over to Ghost.
While I’m sure some of the people who have experience moving sites from WordPress to Ghost also have some solid SEO chops, I’m going to bring in an SEO consultant to really make sure everything goes smoothly. It’s a bit daunting since I’ve been writing for almost fourteen years so there’s a lot of content that’s happily indexed in Google that I’d like to keep that way.
I’ve already started pinging some people I know and trust in the space so I’m starting to assemble a good group to interview and narrow down but I’m always looking for more recommendations. So if you know someone that you think might be a good expert for me to work with (all paid of course) feel free to comment below and share more or DM me on Twitter @morganlinton.
And so the adventure begins! 🕺