The online deal space is huge, heck most people now look at 50%-off as the new retail price, not a discount. So it should come as no surprise that keywords like “Deal” and “Deals” are going to be hot across a number of new gTLDs. We are starting to really see some demand for this over at NameJet with breaking $3,200 with three days to go.
The fact of the matter is that you don’t need a .COM to launch a successful deal site, sure if you want the .COM later on and you’re making millions your budget changes. Then maybe you’ll spend the six or seven figures on a different domain, but to shell out that kind of cash on a name when you’re just getting started doesn’t make sense.
Look at popular deals site, they started on a .US (and a darn hard one to remember) built a multi-million dollar business, and then bought the .COM after they had proven their business model. Instead of putting all their money into a domain name upfront, they put it into SEO and marketing to build the business, and it worked, big time.
Most startups would love a big juicy six-figure .COM, but with budgets often under $25k they have to decide if they should go with their third or fourth choice brand name, or pick their first choice in a different extension. With new gTLDs there are more options than ever and I’m looking forward to seeing what the new owner of does with the name.
The fact of the matter is that startups are raising millions on .CO’s, .ME’s and .IO’s and something tells me we’ll be adding .XYZ to that list pretty soon. What do you think? Comment and let your voice be heard!