It seems that not a day goes by that a company or person branding around a domain hack hits the news. Today TechCrunch reported on the latest version of the Banjo app, which as you can see from the title of this post has picked as their home on the web. Yesterday WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg spoke at NamesCon, want to see his personal WordPress blog? You can find it at
I personally think that domain hacks can be confusing and most-likely lead to a number of missed emails and website visitors, but here’s the question, is it enough to really make an impact?
I wrote a post last year asking the question, should my startup use a domain hack where I covered what I see as the pros and cons, with a big emphasis on the cons as I do see way more downside than upside. Still, more and more startups are seeing domain hacks as a viable option.
What do you think, are domain hacks a good option for startups looking to brand around a single word or is potential lost traffic and emails not worth the savings? As always I want to hear from you, comment and let your voice be heard!
Photo Credit: liber via Compfight cc