Anatomy of a Flip: Day 4

One-inch past the half-way mark and we already have a usable site. By breaking the process down into digestible parts I am able to maximize my efficiency and minimize the time it takes to build a site. Spending less than an hour a day I can flip a domain in one week.

As I write these posts I’d like to also add a high-level view, looking ahead for the goals of this domain. Once the flip is complete it is then time to grow the value of this domain. I am going to write a series on this as well following the completion of this flip. Hopefully that will help teach new domainers how to get listed in the search engines quickly and get quality backlinks to start generating some initial traffic. I will also discuss the specific revenue goals I set for domains and how I know when a flip is ready to sell.

Okay – enough about what is to come, time to focus on the now. Here is a summary of the tasks I completed today:

First I went over to Amazon and logged-into my affiliate account. I then selected "AStore" from the side menu. I’m going to create three separate stores, a unique store for each page. This is a great *free* tool provided by Amazon for quickly generating Amazon sale pages. It is very easy to pick exactly what books, DVD’s, video games, etc. you want to display within each store.

I created a Fitness Books store with some great hand-picked fitness books that I thought represented some of the best available. Next I created the Fitness Video Games page with Wii Fit front and center along with some of the latest fitness video games. The last page is Fitness at Home – I went through a large list of books about exercising at home. I chose the highest-rated books so that users will be getting high-quality books.

I did this all with Amazon’s tool which then spits-out a line of code I can install inline into each page.

Task: Create 3 separate Amazon stores with custom content on each
Time to complete task: 15 minutes (couldn’t take you more time if you tried! It’s that easy.)

The next, and final task for the day is integrating these store’s into their corresponding page on my site. I had to rework the tables a bit and created a new AdSense ad to better fit the page. To add the entire store it was a simple Copy and Paste operation.

Task: Integrate Amazon store into existing site
Time to complete task: 15 minutes (if I didn’t fuss with the tables it would have been 5 minutes!)

And that’s it for today! Stay tuned tomorrow for Day 5!

Watch the flip evolve live: FitnessGames(dot)us


Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton