It’s starting. Tomorrow seven new domain extensions go live, two of which I think have a pretty exciting road ahead and one that I just don’t get. All seven of these are owned by Donuts and TechCrunch had some nice coverage about the introduction of these TLDs this afternoon. First I’ll start with what I’m excited about and why I’m excited about them.
.GURU – the Internet has become the #1 educational resource in the world. Many of the educators online are the same people you see speaking at conferences, writing books, etc. These “gurus” or experts in their field are sharing information at a faster rate than ever before.
With the online education space hotter than ever I think .GURU has some nice legs and yes, I will be registering some .GURU domains.
.VENTURES – in the investing world there are a lot of companies that call themselves, [something] Ventures. The problem is just about all the [keyword] are taken. I think this is a very logical choice for a company that might not have their .COM, they’re sitting on something like but they want something that’s more brandable. just sounds better IMO than and I think people will remember this TLD.
Okay now for the one that I really don’t get – .SINGLES. First, if you’re single that’s usually only a short-term thing, and if it’s a long term thing I’m not sure you’re really going to build out a whole site talking about how single you are. I think that anyone who is single that wants a domain extension that they would share with potential partners would brand much better around something like .SEXY.
Maybe I’m missing the point behind .SINGLES but right now I don’t get it. I think .GURU will be one to watch and next week when domain extensions like .GALLERY hit the market I think they’ll be a few others that will see some nice traction. Oh and if you haven’t seen the video Donuts put together I recommend taking a look:
Now I want to hear from you! What do you think? If you were to pick one gTLD launching tomorrow which do you think has the best chance of making waves?