I am very excited to say that after two years, over ten conferences, charting the globe from Ireland to Vancouver, we finally have a finished product! It has been an incredible process and a lot of work to make this happen and less than two weeks the first full 30-minute online television program about Domain Investing will be live for the whole world to see!
As you will see from my post last year, the initial goal was to release this in March of 2011. Well, I’ll tell you, it takes a lot to put something like this together and I was fortunate enough to meet an incredible videographer and editor that have made this dream a reality!
If you don’t know much about this project, I started it back in January of 2010 filming interviews myself. What I quickly learned is that I’m not a great videographer, lighting guy, or editor. So after doing some great interviews I realized that if I wanted this to be professional, I had to get a pro onboard.
Afflatus Productions have gone above-and-beyond to make this first episode really sparkle. If you don’t know much about the project the idea is simple – make a monthly show about Domaining, but that is not intended for Domain Investors. That’s right, this isn’t a show you are going to watch, this is a show for you to show end-users, your parents, friends, family, potential buyers, etc. to introduce them to the industry.
None of this would have been possible without the incredible support and vision of Oversee, and specifically Aaron Kvitek who got this idea from day one! We’ve put-together a quick intro video to give you a taste of what’s to come:
As I like to say, stay-tuned! It’s time to do even more to expose the whole world to what we do!