If you’ve been following my blog then you know this has been an incredible year for me. My Domaining business is on track to make six-figures and I’ve made some major breakthroughs with a number of my top projects. However I don’t want you to think that everything just works-out for me all the time…it doesn’t and I realize that I don’t share my failures nearly enough.
If there’s one thing I learned at Startup Lessons Learned it was that the most successful people failed way more than they succeeded. While I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished this year there are three major failures that I’d like to talk about, and with that share with you what I’m doing to turn these failures into successes.
- MorganLinton.tv – I said I was going to do this twice a month, I delivered on that twice…and then fell off the map. My second show was one of the best I’ve ever had so things really have been moving in the right direction. What I learned from this failure is that right now I really don’t have the time to do this twice a month. So I’ll be switching to a once a month format and making each episode as kick-ass as ever. So don’t worry, those of you that have been emailing, Facebooking, and Skyping me asking for your MTV – it’s not dead, in fact, it hasn’t really even started yet!
- My Newsletter – where to begin with this one! I’ve tried and failed at doing a newsletter for years now. Whenever I start it I just can’t keep the consistency. I think my problem here is similar to that of my TV show, I keep thinking that I can do it more frequently than I actually can. I’m going to make my newsletter monthly as well starting sometime in mid-June and sticking to the middle of each month. This will give me more time to make great content for my newsletter and deliver some excellent ccTLDs for sale. I’ll be laser-focused on selling .us names and sticking to only really really good names. This is a market I know and have done well in and I’m going to stick to that for now. One of the first names I’ll be brokering is Debt.us which is a really stellar name and I’m excited about having it in my first new newsletter going-out this month!
- Taking breaks – okay, this one may take a while. I am really bad at taking breaks. Now let’s not get this confused with being miserable working all the time. I really don’t consider anything I do work, what I do every single day is what I’ve dreamed of doing. I work for the coolest music company on the planet, and spend most of my nights and weekends building a software company that I think is going to change the world. I run a blog that I absolutely love, and I’m a huge social media geek that has over ten twitter accounts. Still, sometimes I need to just have a beer and take a break – thank goodness for the NBA finals, this definitely allows me to take breaks – Go Heat! However I’ve failed at taking many breaks this year and I really need to get better at it.
Oh, and just to be clear, this is only three failures I’ve made this year…don’t worry, I have more and I’ll happily share them with you every month. I actually want to have a regular post about my top three failures, it’s important for me to address things I’m proud of along with things I know I need to work on.
Feel free to share your own failures in my comment section below. Yes, our successes are all great but at the end of the day you learn the most when you try and fail. I have a lot of great ideas (or at least that I think are great) and I’m going to keep trying all kinds of things every single month. Some things will be successes and others will be failures, but I’ve proven to myself I can do anything I put my mind to…just maybe not on the first try!