Where do you go to buy expired domains?


We’re approaching the ten year anniversary of MorganLinton.com, it’s crazy to think I’ve been writing for ten years, but yes, like the rest of you, I’m getting old. Over the years I’ve moved from service to service, constantly trying new companies offering access to expired domains to find the ones that work best for me and my investment strategy.

Right now I’d have to say I don’t have one favorites but two – it’s a tie between Park.io and Go Daddy Auctions when it comes to buying expired domain names. Both have made me 10x on my investments and continue to offer incredible names at wholesale prices.

Most of the domains I buy from the aftermarket, like most domain investors I started by hand-registering domains, and while I’ve had some great flips off of names I hand registered for under $10, my best flips have been expired domains.

So now I turn the question to you – where do you go to buy expired domains?

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton