What happened to Fusible’s Blog?

I have been blogging about domain names since 2007, it’s amazing to think that it has almost been almost 8 years that I have been writing this blog. During that time period I have seen the domain blogosphere grow and change in many different ways.

There were the days where Chef Patrick was always making and breaking news, a time when Toronto Domainer (which now forwards to a generic Go Daddy page)  was going strong, and a time when a blog written by a mysterious author who only went by the name “Fusible” was getting mentions from major tech blogs like Techcrunch and The Next Web.

I really enjoyed Fusible, they were particularly good at finding news stories related to game developers and film studios buying domains which would usually reveal a future project or release. Then, after years of blogging (Fusible started in July of 2008) the blog suddenly came to a halt, this was the final post:

Fusible's Blog

The once active Twitter account (@fusible) had one final tweet, and then was heard no more:


45,400 followers, 3,502 tweets, hundreds of blog posts, and then – poof, gone. One contention that some people had with Fusible is that the owner never revealed their name and kept their identity a secret in every way possible:


So my question is? What happened to Fusible? Who was/is Fusible? I am hoping that nothing bad happened to them because I truly enjoyed their blog. So Fusible, if you are out there, please comment, let us know you’re okay, even if you’re not blogging, it would just be great to know you’re still out there somewhere.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton