One thing I’ve noticed about my blog traffic is that it not only changes in volume based on the time of day, it also varies by region. Of course this makes sense, just because it’s nighttime here in the US doesn’t mean it’s nighttime for all of you. I have readers from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India and many other countries that are reading this during the day.
So I wanted to know what it is that you like to read about most. Since I know I have a different audience in the evening I want to get a chance to know you, and what kind of posts are the most interesting to you. Do you like to hear about domain development? Monetization? Flipping? Expired domains? Case studies? Let me know what interests you the most so I can provide you some great content during your day, my night.
Also if you want it would be great to know where you’re from and maybe even share something that you think people should know about your country. I’ve traveled the world but there are still so many places I have yet to visit. The one thing I’ve learned in my travels that trumps everything is how similar we all are, yes lives are different, every region is unique, but we as people share a common bond! So comment and let your voice be heard!