I know. You love all the domains in your portfolio. We all love our domains, but there’s always one shining star, one domain that if you were told you had to drop all but one name, that’s the one you would keep. For some of you it might be the domain that hosts your blog or a popular site, for others it might be that one big name they finally bought, or a real gem they’ve had for years.
Of course it’s not fair for me to ask this without answering it myself. I’ll also give three favorites but you can certainly stick to just one! MorganLinton.com happens to be my favorite domain, it’s my first and last name and a daily ritual I truly love. My next favorite would be Summon.com which I sold earlier this year. Third up would be Kayaking.org which I’ve turned it into an online kayaking destination and one of the first sites to offer online kayak booking. We have relationships with kayaking tour operators across the country and have a team of bloggers that are all active kayakers around the world.
I always make sure that my company focuses on our best domains, that’s where I’ve found the most opportunity is. Now it’s your turn, what are you doing with your best domain?