Weekend Musings – Marina Del Rey Here We Come!


Hello, good morning, happy Saturday, and welcome to another weekend musings here on MorganLinton.com! This is an exciting weekend for us for a couple of reasons, first and foremost Friday marked my last day at Sonos and Daina’s last day at UCLA. Starting Monday we will be full time on Fashion Metric!

The second reason we are so excited is that we are moving to our new place in Marina Del Rey tomorrow! We decided that our ideal work environment is outside, on the water and we found an awesome place with a beautiful patio directly on the water. This means that our morning commute will be grabbing our coffee and walking out onto the patio, love it!

Right now just about everything is packed into boxes and we’ll be spending the day finishing up a zillion different lose ends. Tomorrow the moving company comes around 1:00PM and before we know it we’ll be hanging out at our new pad.

One thing that will definitely make this weekend interesting is Carmageddon 2 which has closed the exact freeway we would normally take to get from our current place to Marina Del Rey. However, while the name makes it sound incredibly dramatic if it’s anything like Carmageddon 1 then we’ll see the lightest traffic LA has had since, well, Carmageddon 1.

The news does such a good job of building up fear around massive traffic jams that nobody drives. This means that (knock on wood) we’ll be able to move in a traffic free LA. Okay, enough musings for now, time to get back to packing! I hope you’re all having a great weekend, as always feel free to comment on my weekend musings or share your own below!

(Photo Credit)

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton