Wow! This conference has already been unbelievably inspiring and educational…and we’re only two speakers in. Onto the next speaker, David Binetti from Votizen. David has some serious energy and is a lot of fun to see speaking. He is an entrepreneur and the founder of Votizen.
- You should not be in this for the money, you should be in this to change the world, make a difference!
- Two main qualities of the entrepreneurs: the ability to create your own reality and patience
- So why Lean? Lean just mitigates your own reality distortion field
- The lean process is not about small, it’s not about cheap, it’s about helping you avoid very expensive false positives
- Lean converts market risk into technical risk
- Pivots are restatements of your business model, it is not synonymous with change
- Pivots are driven by your vision, not testing
- You earned what you learned, don’t flail
- Iterate, release, do it again!
- PR can be bad – gives you the illusion of progress
- Seek funding when you think you have more technical risk than market risks
- Over time iteration loops got tighter, faster, and better
- Final Thought: You can act lean but you need to think big!