While you might have thought that Slack [https://www.slack.com/] won the day and
now owns the chat market, new incumbents are coming in hot and finding ways to
continue to innovate.
One of the things that’s hard to ignore in the world of domain names is the
shift some industries are seeing towards context-specific domain extensions. In
the startup world we’ve all
I can still remember the day like it was yesterday, Ammar and I were having
dinner in Hollywood and he told me he was going to start a blog on
Afterthought.com [https:
Over the last few years we’ve seen more and more startups raising Seed rounds in
the $5M+ range pre-revenue. Gone are the days of investors needing to see a
certain amount of
It’s safe to say Thras.io [https://www.thras.io/] has carved out one heck of a
niche for themselves, and after generating more than $500M in sales (with $100M
in profit)