Support Small Business Saturday!

Every Sunday I do a post called Small Business Sunday, well American Express saw what I was doing and decided that if I had Sunday, they were going to claim Saturday. Okay, well that’s not quite what happened but today is Small Business Saturday! This is the second year that AMEX has run Small Business Saturday and I strongly support the idea, and you should to!

The ask is small, but the impact is massive and the timing is great. On Black Friday all the big box stores like Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and so many became the focal-point of deal-hungry shoppers. Well today is different, this is Small Business Saturday and a time to celebrate all the wonderful small businesses around us.


Over 2.6 million people have pledges their support for Small Business Saturday and I’m sure many more are supporting the movement. There are some really simple ways we can all support smalls businesses today, I’ve put-together a few simple ideas below:

  • Normally start the weekend with a Latte from Starbucks? Try your local coffee shop for a change, who knows you might find better coffee, lower prices, and a friendly face!
  • Buying a new electronics gadget? Of course your first thought is Best Buy but what about all the great small businesses in your area? These smaller specialty stores often offer more expertise and you’ll have the chance to really sit down with someone and explain exactly what you are looking for.
  • Going out to lunch or dinner? When it comes to restaurants small local restaurants almost always make better food. Pick a local spot that you haven’t been to and enjoy some great food.

So make sure to take the time today to support the small businesses in your area and have a very happy Small Business Saturday!

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton