Today was a sad day, and a tremendous loss – Charlotte (who many of us know as Charlie) has passed away. Brian, Charlie’s husband has been by her side as she went through some very intense medical procedures, and she fought through incredible hardships time and time again.
Honestly, I’m at a loss of words. Normally I have so much on my mind to write but this is just so sad I’m drawing a blank so I thought I’d just say a few words about two of my favorite memories with Charlie.
Brian and Charlie were two of the first people that I met when I started in the Domaining world, and I immediately was inspired by Charlie’s energy and enthusiasm. For anyone who knew Charlie, you knew that she could light up a room, she just had so much positive energy.
One of my all-time favorite memories was going out in Dublin with Brian and Charlie, I remember laughing so hard. Seeing Brian and Charlie together was always such an inspiration of what it’s like to truly find your soulmate.
Brian had been diligently updating everyone on Facebook often multiple times a day. Even when things seemed to be going downhill, Brian kept a positive attitude and was by Charlie’s side as she continued to fight and press forward. We should all hope to live a life as full of energy and joy as Charlie did.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Brian and all of Charlie’s family and friends.