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As many of you know, my focus and priorities in life changed last year when my wife and I turned our dream of running a startup together into a reality. The company was funded in September and my first move was to hire more people for my domain companies, Linton Investments and Compath so that I could focus my attention on Fashion Metric.

Since I built Linton Investments as a business, pulling myself out of it meant hiring more people and that is still an ongoing process. That being said, we’re having a very successful and profitable 2013 so I’m happy with how the ship is moving without me at the helm.

My blog is the only thing I do related to domain names on a daily basis and I still love writing on here every single day. It takes me no more than 30 minutes and often takes less than 20. I love writing and love engaging with you, my reader. That being said, I also see my blog as a business and have brought on more writers who are doing a great job of expanding the reach and content on

Yesterday was pretty exciting with a blockbuster post from our newest addition to the team – Bill Hartzer. While I will continue to write about domain names on my blog, this is no longer my focus in life, and that writing bug inside me always wants to do more. That’s right, I’m a writing addict and there’s no stopping it.

So I’ve been writing quite a bit for, a new company run by Evan Williams, the founder of Blogger and Twitter. Evan is now revolutionizing the way people read and write things online and I can now proudly say that Medium is the site that I read the most on a daily basis. If you want to read more about what’s going on in my daily life, Medium is where you’ll find it.

I’ve learned that my audience here on wants to hear about domains, website development, and SEO, so I’ll keep writing about that here. However for me that is now where less than 10% of my time goes. The vast majority of my time is spent in the startup world building an amazing company and software platform here in LA. While the website is one component, a startup is much more than a website and is where I’ll be sharing most of the experiences I’m having in my life.

Morgan Linton

So if you want to go beyond domains and read more Morgan, then head on over to my page on Like I said above, still expect the same great content here on, in fact expect more with the additional writers I’ve added to the team. Just know that if you want to follow what’s going on in my daily life, that has moved over to Medium as domains really aren’t where my focus is right now.

P.S. Nobody should read this as me saying I am leaving the domain industry. I’m not, and my company is booking six-figure profits and on track to beat last years numbers. The difference this year is that before I was working in the company day-to-day, now the company has become a real business that involves me hiring great people and letting them do the day-to-day work. I still love Domaining, but as I’ve always said, I never dreamed of being a full time Domainer, my dream has been to be a full time startup founder and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton