It’s official – the movement is going local – starting in June I will be teaching seminars about Domain Investing in Los Angeles. The seminars will go through all the basics of Domaining along with a step-by-step process for getting started. The focus of my course will be generating passive income with domain names and will include everything a beginner needs to know in order to build income-generating properties online.
As you all know I am very passionate about getting more people to join our industry. By making a targeted seminar just for beginners I am hoping to show people how easy it is to get started in the industry and the common pitfalls to avoid. In fact, in creating the curriculum for the course I went through a lot of the mistakes I’ve made over the years and asked myself, “What do I wish that I knew in the beginning?”
The idea for this seminar was inspired by the countless emails and phone calls I’ve received over the last few months from blog readers. So many of my readers are just getting started and reach-out to me for advice. In many of the calls I walk a new Domainer through how to get started on the right foot or identify which domains in their portfolio might not be the jewel they initially thought it was. I spoke with one person last week that didn’t know there were other blogs about Domaining or a place like DNJournal where they could see a list of past sales. By opening their eyes to the right places to learn, tools to use, and basics of understanding domain value they quickly became inspired to become a part of our industry.
Another person I spoke with last week already owns a large portfolio of domains but isn’t making any money with them. I gave them my formula for determining if a domain has good monetization potential. By focusing on the highest-potential domains in their portfolio I am helping them finally get the revenue they deserve from their domains!
These are just two examples but the list goes on – people are looking for a way to get involved in our industry and I’m helping them get started. So then it came to me – “There is nothing like being there in person.” For anyone that has been to a Domaining conference or Meet-Up you know what I mean. Reading a blog, an eBook, or even watching a video are NOTHING like being there in person with a teacher you can interact with.
My advertising channels are – Craigslist and the Los Angeles Times. The idea is to target people that haven’t heard about our industry or are just getting started and encourage them to become more involved! I know if I saw information an ad for a seminar about investing in Domain Names I would be interested…let’s see how many other people in Los Angeles are!
Now I have no interest in inspiring people to leave their jobs and become full-time Domainers, I’m not a full-time Domainer myself! Instead I want to show people how to do exactly what I’ve done – generate a consistent stream of income from domain names. I was able to generate a few thousand dollars with a domain I bought for $5 in 2008 and I’ve taken the same methodology and applied it over and over again. With so much focus on buying and selling domains I’m excited to show people my side of Domaining – creating revenue-generating properties.
As I’ve said before – one of the things that keeps new investors out of our industry is the sentiment that you aren’t a Domainer unless you’re a full-time Domainer. Could you imagine if you had to work in finance to buy stocks or mutual funds? Should a successful Doctor that owns investment property become a Real Estate Agent? No! Then why should that same Doctor, Lawyer, or Executive leave their job and focus on Domaining full-time? They shouldn’t – and I’m going to show them how to use Domains as a way to generate passive income! Hopefully we’ll start seeing these folks at our conferences, bidding on domains alongside Domainers so that we are not just trading amongst ourselves but increasing the market size and therefore the price and liquidity of our most precious assets – Domains!
This year I’ve made a commitment to help expand awareness about our industry and encourage new investors to get involved. With Domainvestors Television, my Blog, my Seminars, and our Domainer Meet-Up’s in Los Angeles I hope to inspire the next generation of Domainers!
I will be launching a new brand around these Seminars – Stay-Tuned to learn more!
As always I encourage your comments good or bad – comment and let your voice be heard!