Morgan’s Flippa Five:,,

Morgan's Flippa Five

Hello, happy Saturday and welcome to my Flippa five. You’ll probably notice that I’ve been sharing a lot of three-character .COMs lately. I’m doing this for two reasons, one – they are some of the rarest and most valuable domains out there, and two, Flippa continues to get incredibly solid three-character .COMs listed for sale.

All that being said I think it’s important to understand the market for three character .COMs. if you buy a three-character .COM for $25,000 or $50,000 don’t expect to sell it for a 10x profit a few weeks later. These are big names and you’ll likely get a ton of low offers, until one day a buyer with a real budget comes along, and boom – you book your profit. Just make sure you are realistic with expectations when it comes to timing, while incredibly short .COMs have great resale potential, the timeline can be a bit fuzzy. Okay, you’ve heard enough from me, onto the names! – I’m usually not too excited about domains that end in “ed” and yes, is a much bigger name, but I still like this one and I’m happy to put it in the small shelf I leave reserved for names that end in “ed” that I do actually like. Solid one-word .COM and because it does end in “ed” it’s going to sell for a lot less than which opens up the market to more investors. – nice three character .COM. I tend to like three character .COMs with an “A” in the middle as well since this could be used for “And” which opens the door to even more possibilities. – not much more to say about this one, nice name and if you happen to live in Jupiter, Florida and wanted to start your own football league, here’s your chance. – so I’ll pretense this one by saying I myself don’t invest much in negative words. There’s always been something about it that keeps me away from the market. Still, that being said, a domain like this would do great in commercial for someone in the personal injury space, not my cup of tea but I’m not going to let that hold other people back since I do think this could be a good investment if you can get it at the right price. – 17 year old one-word .COM. I like this name but not as much as something a bit more generic and broad – this is darn specific which means it will take a very specific buyer to want it. Still, it’s only up to $2,200 now so depending on what the reserve is set at this could be a steal.

Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton