Live from LA Tonight – Don’t Miss My Reflections on Ireland/England

After being back in LA for a week I think I’ve finally adapted back to PST and I’m looking forward to a great show tonight. I’ll be reviewing my trip to TRAFFIC Dublin and MeetDomainers Manchester and sharing some of the things I learned. I met some incredible people at both shows and gained  excellent insight into the ccTLD market that has me more excited than ever.

Morgan Linton TRAFFIC Dublin 2010I will also be covering some of the topics I discussed at both TRAFFIC Dublin and MeetDomainers so if you weren’t there I’ll help bring you one step closer. Of course I still would recommend you get to a conference soon if you haven’t yet – TRAFFIC Miami is just around the corner! If you’re in Europe DOMAINfest Prague should be incredible and if you’re going to TRAFFIC Miami you should also make sure to hop on DNCruise.

As you can tell I’m more excited than ever and I can’t wait to share my excitement with all of you tonight! See below for the exact time and place to find the show no matter where in the world you’re located! Global Time Schedule

6:00PM PST – California, Vancouver, etc.

9:00PM EST – New York City, Toronto, etc.

2:00AM GMT+1 – London, Dublin, etc.

4:00AM GMT+3 – Israel, Istanbul, etc.

11:00AM (Saturday) GMT+10 – Sydney, Eastern Australia, etc.

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Morgan Linton

Morgan Linton