You asked for changes and I’m bringing them – one step at a time. Today I’ve made some nice upgrades to the site based on feedback I’ve received from my readers. Some people posted suggestions in the “comments” section of my blog while many more emailed me with their own list of suggestions. Overall the two pieces of feedback that were heard loud-and-clear from my readers were:
1) Give us the social media links back!
2) Add advertising to the top
So I’ve done just that! You’ll notice space at the top now for two 250×60 ads now at the top of every page. I have also added social media links back to the blog so you can link to my post from whatever service you would like quickly and easily.
On top of that I’ve added a link to get my Domain Sales Letter due to the overwhelming response I received to my post – Selling Your Domains to End-Users: Part 2. It is clear that many of my readers are looking for a way to reach-out to end-users and I hope this sales letter will help you all get started. Just click on the link on my sidebar for instructions on accessing the sales letter.
There were many conflicting comments as well so I had to take these by a majority. The main one was font size. A majority of readers said that the font looked very slick and was a good size. While some people did suggest bringing-up the font size far more people found the font-size to be just right and thought that increasing the size would make the blog look a little goofy – and how many 90 year-old readers do I really have?I am using the same font-size as some of the top 20 blogs online so if they are doing it…I think I’ll be okay!
The category navigation at the top was the most well-received new addition to the blog and I’m glad that so many people have found this a useful way to access content on my blog.
Of course there are still more improvements to be made – here are a list of some of the changes I have in the queue:
– Potential changes to the background color – might do a slight gradient
– Search box at the top of the page
– Improvements to comments widget
As always share your thoughts and let me know what you like, what you don’t like, and any great ideas you have to make the blog better!