It’s Christmas morning and we just got back from a beautiful jog on the San Francisco Bay! Today is the big day and I’m only going to spend five minutes on the blog since Christmas is all about spending time with family and friends. That being said I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
As Domainers we can all easily become glued to our computers whether it’s reading blogs, socializing on Twitter or Facebook, or analyzing drop lists. Remember – today is all about spending time with those that you love so stop reading this post right now, close the lid to your laptop, and focus on the people you are thankful to have in your life.
Let’s face it folks – life is short and we are all busy people. Cherish the time you have with everyone in your life and remember, at the end of the day it’s not about how much money you have, or making the next big deal, it’s all about living life and having time with the people you love!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Are you still reading? Close your laptop – now!