I was surprised to find an email hit my inbox this morning stating that the Domain lead generation company, LeadRefs would be shutting down immediately. I have been a fan of this service since the beginning and have used it to successfully find buyers for a number of domains. It was sad to hear the service would be going away and a bit shocking to find-out that there would be no transition plan just a sudden and immediate end to the service.
Of course who knows what’s going on behind-the-scenes but something tells me that there had to be some issues with how they were getting their WHOIS data even though they cite “financial reasons” as the cause of the sudden shutdown. I have interacted with the owner of LeadRefs several times and it has always been a very pleasant experience so I sure hope he’s not in any kind of hot water.
Still, something tells me that this won’t be the last we’ll see of a service like this however it does sound like the model will have to change a bit. If anyone knows more about what happened please chime in and share it with the rest of us, below is the email I received:
Due to financial reasons, we are shutting down LEADREFS.COM immediately. We have just sent you a $33 refund to your email address via Paypal. This was the prorated share of what was left of your membership. We want to take this moment to thank you for your business and interest in LEADREFS.com. Please email us with any questions you may have.