I am planning to finish JuryLaw(dot)com this weekend and release it on Sunday. I thought this would be a good time to explain some of the things I have done to optimize this domain for SEO – including new optimizations for Google’s new Universal Search.
As always, the first part of my development is always keyword research. If you read my last blog post then you understand what keywords I am targeting. This is the most important step in the domain development process if you want a domain that ranks well in search engines. All of the content written for this site makes use of popular keywords as well as related keywords. Tools like Wordtracker are essential in successfully optimizing a site for SEO.
Understanding how many people are searching for a given keyword is essential to optimizing your content for search engines. With Google’s Universal Search capable of searching through text, video, and audio I have made sure to include plenty of multimedia content on the site as well.
Incorporating video into the site not only makes it more relevant for Google’s new search algorithm but also makes it an even more dynamic experience for the site visitor. A great example of this is a video I have included with a full explanation of the jury duty process. I’m sure that some percentage of visitors to the site would be more comfortable with a video rather than text. That’s what Google is going for – interactivity, and options for your visitors.
Remember, the idea here is not just to make a simple mini-site, but instead an interactive web destination. I don’t want people to just visit the site, click on a link, and leave. Instead I want people to interact with the site and each other – that’s why I’ve also included a discussion forum. I’ve included some screenshots below of the current design – site will go live this Sunday.